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Harmony * Simplicity * Value

One of the pillars of the euphonia concept is innovation.
During these years, several types of Bowls, Tuning Forks, new Crystal Sound Pyramids, etc.
Experiments with tunings, materials, geometries, etc.
In short, lots of joy, lots of information gathered and lots of experience gained.
A new direction has been whispered to me for a few months now.
I waited, I looked, I felt, but it was only in December that it was shown to me clearly.
Own production of new Crystal Beings with three principles: Harmony of Sound, Simplicity of forms and delivering a lot of Value at a low price.
And, of course: more experiences, lots of 'mistakes' and lots of surprises.
What I was asked to do is something very 'New Earth': to make melodious puzzles.
Feel what each consciousness wants to manifest and give it that form.
Many times I'm sanding and I'm asked to stop and do it somewhere else.
And it was a question that I felt dawned on me: instead of wanting to make a beautiful instrument, facilitate a new resonant and organic being.
The materials, concepts and suggested construction were very clear: it was to keep everything simple.
Nature shows us that it is in simplicity that we have powerful things, with multiple facets and in resonance with the entire ecosystem.
I came across the work of Deena Zalkind Spear ('tunes violins by telepathy') again and I am grateful for sharing and validating it.
It's been something that has grown and structured at an incredible pace and I'm very grateful to facilitate it.
The Chimes 432 is the first format of this concept, with others almost finished.
I would like to thank those who have supported and shown their interest in this new concept.

Workshow 1

Workshow 2

Workshow 9

Workshow 1
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